

☆Floor plan☆

Elephant Class Hello,my name is John and I’m from a small town in the north of England.
This is my 6year teaching Nencho and we will have a lot of fun events together this
year so I’m really looking forward to having a great time with Elephant class.
Let’s try our best and togher we will do so many great things.

Elephant Classの担任をさせて頂くことになりました、在津 知弥です☺
Elephant classのお友達とどんな1年間を過ごすことが出来るのかとても楽しみです💕
幼稚園生活最後の1年間、可愛いElephant classのお友達が楽しい素敵な思い出をたくさん作っていけるようJohn先生と力を合わせて頑張ります✨💪

Bear Class Hi, I’m Robert.I’m from New York, and this is my 10th year in Japan! I’ll be teaching nencho for the first time this year. This year, I’m really looking forward to teaching with Abe sensei. I’m sure we’re going to make a lot of wonderful memories in Bear class! Let’s do our best! 🐻

この度Bear classの担任をさせて頂くことになりました安部ももこです🐻

Lion Class Hello! My name is Amelia. I’m from Chicago, U.S.A. This is my third year in Fukuoka, and at I School. I am looking forward to teaching English with Kakimoto sensei this year! Let’s have a blast in Lion Class and do our best! 🦁

Lion classの担任をさせて頂くことになりました柿本 真衣です。パン屋さんに行って美味しいパンを食べたり、野球をしたりすることが好きです⚾️ Lion classのお友達と一緒に英語を楽しみながら、沢山challengeしていきたいと思います‼︎

Tiger Class Hello‼My name is Casey, and I am from the United States. I’m excited to be here in Fukuoka again!
I have been a Nencho teacher in Kurume for five years and a Nensho teacher for two years. This is my first year as a Nenchu teacher and I’m looking forward to working with Hamakawa sensei. Let’s have a wonderful year and a lot of fun!

Tiger Classの担任をさせて頂きます「濵河 舞(はまかわ まい)」です❤︎ 韓国ドラマを見ること、そして温泉に行くことが大好きです😍
Tiger classの可愛いお友達と一緒に、笑顔が沢山溢れる毎日を過ごしていきたいと思っています😊 素敵な思い出を沢山作っていきましょうね♪ Casey senseiと力を合わせて頑張ります💪 どうぞよろしくお願い致します💖

Koala Class Hello, my name is Kirana and I’m from Australia. This is my first year at I School, and I will be teaching Koala Class with Kawabata-sensei. I am so excited to be having fun with everyone!

Koala Classの担任をさせて頂きます《川畑 千恵子(かわばた ちえこ)》です😊🩵
可愛いKoala classのお友達と一緒に元気いっぱい!笑顔いっぱい!のクラスにし、素敵な思い出を沢山作っていきたいと思います☺️

Panda Class Hello! My name is Chris sensei and I am from America. I am excited to be teaching Panda class with Araki sensei. Let’s have fun learning English together.


Rabbit Class Hello, my name is Erika! I’m from America.🇺🇸 A fun fact about me is that I love to learn different languages such as Spanish, Japanese, and Korean. This will be second year as a Rabbit class teacher! I’m very excited and looking forward to another fun year of teaching English! Let’s do our best and have fun this year Rabbit class.✨

Rabbit classの担任をさせて頂きます「前田 洋佳(まえだ ひろか)」です( ◠‿◠ )
Rabbit Classのお友達と素敵な思い出をたくさん作りたいと思います🐰