クラス紹介 | 久留米インターナショナルアイスクール幼稚園


☆Floor plan☆

☆We are Bear class☆

Hi! I am Miss Alex and I’m from Oregon in the United States. I am excited to teach Bear class! Let’s have fun learning English together!

Bear Classの担任をさせて頂くことになりました、
芥川陽香(あくたがわ はるか)です😊
Ms. Alexと一緒に、元気で明るいClassを作っていきたいと思います✨

☆We are Elephant class☆

Hello everyone! My name is Brian and I am from Arizona! I’m looking forward to teaching Elephant class this year.I really enjoy teaching children and I hope everyone can learn English in a safe and fun environment. Don’t be scared of mistakes! Let’s have fun together!

Elephant class 🐘の担任をさせて頂くことになりました、南部 里奈(なんぶ りな)です!

☆We are Tiger class☆

Tiger classの担任をさせていただく矢ヶ部 彩(やかべあや)です。Ms.Biancaと一緒に楽しく元気に、たくさんEnglishを使って毎日過ごしていきたいと思います!

Hello! My name is Bianca Loyal. I’m from Atlanta, Georgia and will be teaching Tiger class this year. I’m so excited to meet everyone and share the joys of learning English.

☆We are Lion class☆

Lion classの担任をさせていただくことになりました 松岡 凜(まつおか りん)です!
Ms. Pattyと一緒にEnglishをたくさんつかい、子ども達の笑顔でいっぱいの楽しく元気なClassを目指して頑張りたいと思います☻1年間よろしくお願いいたします。

Hello! My name is Patty and I’m from America. I will be teaching Lion Class this year. And I’m looking forward to a fun year of learning English with everyone. Let’s do our best!

☆We are Koala class☆

Howdy! I’m Mr. Clayton, and I’m from Kansas in America! I’ll be the teacher for Koala Class this year! I’m super excited to create a fun and positive English experience for all of you! Let’s have a blast learning English together!

この度、Koala Classを担任させて頂くことになりました、永田 仁美(ながた ひとみ)です。

☆We are Panda class☆

Panda Classの担任をさせて頂く事になりました🐼

Hi, everyone! My name is Kitty, and I’m from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. This is my first year at I School, and I’ll be the teacher for Panda Class. I love board games and anime. I can’t wait to meet all of you! Let’s have a great year!

☆We are Rabbit class☆

Rabbit Classの担任をさせていただきます。牧口千栄子・松下香苗・中村彩乃・渡辺かおりです。可愛くて元気いっぱいの子ども達と仲良くすごしていきたいと思います!子どもたちが幼稚園だけでなく英語も好きになってくれるように、頑張っていきたいと思います♩1年間よろしくお願い致します。

Hello everyone! My name is Tim and I come from England. I am really excited to be teaching Rabbit class this year. Let’s have lots of fun learning English!

Hello, my name is Loren and I come from Australia. I am very excited to be teaching Rabbit class this year. I hope we can have a lot of fun learning English together!

Hi, I’m Nannette from Manila, Philippines, and I’m looking forward to lots of fun and laughter with the rabbit kids this year. I’m excited!

Greetings friends! My name is Michelle. I’m from Manila, Philippines. I can’t wait to meet you all. It’s going to be a fun year full of learning and new adventures.